Frequently Asked Questions
It's important to me (and has benefits to your massage!) that you're comfortable and relaxed when at my massage studio. If this is your very first massage or just your first time here, I hope that by answering some FAQs, I can put you more at ease!
First and foremost, there's nothing you can do WRONG. Outside of being rude and sexual advances, you can't get it wrong. These are guidelines and suggestions to either make your massage more comfortable and/or for you to receive the most benefit from it.
Come as you are! Whether in your business suit, paint splattered tee (I mean, ideally dry paint), or still in your pj's, it doesn't matter. After we have a brief consult, where I will ask about focus areas and other things regarding the massage, I will leave the room to allow you privacy to get on the table. Generally, this means undressing completely or down to your underwear (bra removed). You will then get on the table underneath a sheet and blanket, where I will only uncover the area I'm working on.
*If you are not comfortable removing any clothing – keep it on! That is okay too, just understand what you choose to leave on may affect how we do the massage. But I will always do my best to work within your comfort zone.
Can I leave my jewelry on?
Please remove necklaces and large earrings. I usually save time for neck work at the end of your massage, and I do not want to accidentally pull on or break your necklace. Rings, bracelets, and anklets are at your discretion. I do not find they get in the way too much, unless it's an area you are wanting extra attention. Also, keep in mind that while I try to be mindful of any jewelry you leave on, it could get lotion or oil on it.
What do I do with my hair?
Just be mindful that I need access to your shoulders and neck! A high ponytail or just flipped over your head works best, as a low ponytail can get in the way. I try not to get oil in your hair as much as possible and I generally only do scalp work upon request or I will ask first.
Of course, tipping is not mandatory, but it is very much appreciated it!
I'm putting more than 1-hour into your 1-hour appointment, but I only get paid for my hands-on time. Set-up, clean-up, laundry, keeping the room clean, etc.
Also, I often hear, "I don't know how you do this all day!". Well, I can't. No one could massage all day. It does take skill and education to be able to massage for even a full hour... but I couldn't do that for 8 hours a day. I am a good massage therapist, but I'm not Supergirl! Keeping in mind, 8 hours of hands-on massage would be an 11-13 hour day! So, because I am human and not Supergirl, I generally limit myself to a maximum of 4 (sometimes 5) hands-on hours, usually around a 7-hour work day. And that's still not including the administration work I do being self-employed!
So, if you enjoyed your massage and experience at my studio, a tip is a great way to show that (customarily 15-25%). And if you did NOT enjoy your experience, talk to me! Tell me what I could do to make it better.